

Here you will find definitions for common words or phrases that are related to neurodiversity 和 neurodivergence. 如果你在下面的定义中看到一个高亮显示的单词, 它表明这个词在这里也有定义. 这些单词或短语可能在本工具包中出现, so please refer back to the glossary if you come across a term that is unfamiliar to you.


This involves completing a task with someone else in the room who may be completing the same or similar task. This approach can help some neurodiverse individuals with motivation 和 执行功能 on tasks that they’ve been avoiding – the presence of another person can add light pressure to remain on task or help to model focused work.


这是一种极度疲惫的状态, 长期压力导致的沮丧和技能丧失, 过度工作和/或持续工作 过度刺激屏蔽. It can occur as part of many neurodiversities but is most commonly related to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 和 自闭症或自闭症谱系障碍(ASD). Individuals who experience a period of burnout may require significant time to recover their skills 和 well-being.


2010年平等法案3 defines a disability as “a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ 和 ‘long-term’ negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities”. Within the Act, neurodiversity falls under the umbrella of ‘disability’. 然而, many neurodivergent individuals do not identify as being disabled or having a disability.

Hyperfocus / Hyperfixation

类似于特殊兴趣, hyperfocus (sometimes referred to as ‘hyperfixation’) involves intense concentration on a topic or task. 然而, this term is more often related to individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). A person who is hyperfocused can complete large amounts of learning or work but may also become oblivious to external factors, including the passage of time 和 the actions of those around them. Hyperfocus is more likely to occur when the individual has a passion for – or keen interest in – the topic or activity at h和.


This involves an individual hiding or suppressing some of their neurodivergent traits to ‘fit in’ with neurotypical 行为 和 societal expectations. Examples include forcing themselves to make eye contact; socialising with others while being hyperaware of what they say or do; 和 hiding or suppressing 抽搐 or 机枪兵 行为. 掩饰需要有意识的努力和专注, so prolonged periods of it can have a negative effect on the  neurodivergent individual’s well-being, 精神健康和


这是由极端和长期的焦虑或焦虑感引起的verstimulation. Someone who is experiencing a 崩溃 may express their distress through crying, 尖叫, 大喊大叫, 挫折, 愤怒或者其他方式. 自闭症的野心4, 这是一家支持自闭症儿童和青少年的英国慈善机构, 将灾难描述为“战斗”反应的一个例子, when a distressing or uncomfortable situation has caused a build-up of negative emotion or stress that can no longer be suppressed.


在我们的报道和这个工具包中, we use the term neurodivergent’ to describe individuals who identify as having one or more minority neurotypes. The examples included in this toolkit are attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 自闭症或自闭症谱系障碍(ASD), 难语症, 运动障碍, 计算障碍, 书写困难, 阅读早慧, 联觉和妥瑞特综合症.


This is the concept that “all humans vary in terms of our neurocognitive ability” (Genius Within).5 The term spans the full range of neurotypes, including neurotypical 和 neurodivergent individuals.


在神经多样性方面, 过度刺激 occurs when an individual becomes overwhelmed by external stimuli or sensory input which they are unable to process comfortably. 例如, a neurodivergent individual could become overstimulated in loud or busy situations, 在非常明亮的灯光下, 通过穿特定的衣服或闻特定的气味. 长期的过度刺激, 有时被称为“感官超载”, 会导致情绪困扰甚至崩溃吗. 机枪兵 can sometimes help an individual to prevent 过度刺激 by offering a controlled sensory input or output to focus on.


虽然这和a有相同的触发点 崩溃,它表现得非常不同. Whereas a 崩溃 gives rise to outward expressions of anxiety 和 distress, a shutdown causes the individual to close off 和 possibly lose the ability to communicate or express themselves. The 自闭症的野心 charity describes it like this: “If 崩溃s are equivalent to the fight response, 那么停机就类似于冻结响应.”6


This highlights that society can be disabling to some individuals 和 should be adjusted to improve accessibility; the individuals affected should not have to change themselves to fit society. At the 新萄新京十大正规网站, we follow this model in our values 和 our approach to global engineering challenges.


这是对特定主题的强烈兴趣和关注. It’s a common trait in people who have 自闭症或自闭症谱系障碍(ASD) – the individual may endeavour to learn 和 immerse themselves in everything they can about their SI or collect as many associated items as possible. 这些兴趣可以是任何东西, from sports teams to historical events 和 periods to beauty 和 healthcare; the list is endless, SI对每个人来说都是独一无二的.


‘机枪兵’ is when an individual performs a repetitive action – it can be done for a variety of purposes, 包括享受, 自我抚慰:自我抚慰或平息焦虑, 或获得或减少外部感官输入. The individual actions are known as ‘机枪兵’ – common examples include h和-flapping, 摇摆, 攻丝, 跳, 重复的短语, 单词或声音, fidgeting with an object or touching a particular texture or material. Stims can be physical, verbal or auditory 和 are unique to each neurodivergent individual.


这是一种重复的、不自主的运动或声音输出. 这是抽动秽语综合症的一个特征. 抽搐对个人来说是独特的,可以以多种方式表现出来, 如重复一个声音或短语, 抽搐或抽搐, 过度的闪烁, 不由自主的面部表情或敲击手指. 就像 机枪兵, 抽搐 can become more frequent at times of anxiety, stress or excitement. They can sometimes be suppressed, but this can be detrimental to the individual.


3 2010年平等法(立法).政府.(英国政府,《新葡新京十大正规网站》,2010年)

5 http://geniuswithin.org/what-is-neurodiversity/ (《新葡新京十大正规网站》,《新葡新京十大正规网站》)?’)